Men & Mental Health

Mental health affects every aspect of a man’s life. It influences our relationships, careers, and overall happiness. When mental health is neglected, it can lead to detrimental consequences for individuals and society as a whole such as suicide and domestic violence. By addressing these challenges head-on, we can create a ripple effect of positive change.


Unlearn toxic masculinity and break free from centuries-old unhealthy norms, fostering a healthier and more authentic version of manhood.


Relearn to “man up” in a healthier, more constructive way.


Mental Health Support

Learn effective strategies to provide mental health support to men, fostering open dialogue and emotional resilience.

BLOG by JR KUO: My Asian Male Rage

MY ASIAN MALE RAGE  During the filming of Coffee Talking Out of Mental Coffins, a documentary about my mental health journey as an immigrant, Q Le, the director, asked me an interesting question: “Why do Asian men, specifically the second generation of Asian American men, have so much rage and anger?”read more

BLOG by JR KUO: My Male Asian Identity and Mental Health

MY MALE ASIAN IDENTITY AND MENTAL HEALTH The first time I became aware of the intersection of my Asian identities and mental health was when I was in college in 2004. Due in part to my Asian heritage and monastic background, I grew up in an extremely male-dominated household and communityread more

BLOG by JR KUO: How Do You Man UP? Seven Ways to Man UP!

HOW DO YOU MAN UP? SEVEN WAYS TO MAN UP From a young age, I was often told to “man up” whenever I tried to express my feelings. No matter the cultural background, most men receive similar messages and are conditioned to suppress their emotions in favor of appearing strong and stoicread more

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