During this pandemic and uncertain time, the ability to internally process it, adjust your state of mind, adapt to changes, and create a new routine in your life is crucial for your immediate and long term success and overall mental health wellbeing.

One of the most important decisions I have ever made in my life was committing to seeing my therapist, Dr. Lisa Strober.  Dr. Lisa Strober and I worked together for nine years straight up until her passing.  She helped me to understand my childhood traumas, learn to manage my depression, and regain control of my life.  Her compassion, kindness, and care were beyond measure.  She was like a second mother to me.

It was Dr. Lisa Strober who inspired me to become an Integral Coach.  As an Integral Coach, I incorporate mental health and meditation into the discovery and healing process. I work with you to process and understand your past traumas and current mental health struggles. From there, we analyze your current life and/or work situation, identifying limiting beliefs and potential challenges, and devising a customized action plan designed to help you achieve specific outcomes.  At every step of the way, we always connect back to your overall mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

We are all intrinsically connected with our past; our current behaviors and thoughts are heavily influenced by our past memories and traumas. But, we don’t want to dwell in the past and let it dictate who we are.  Thus, in order for us to move forward and achieve the outcomes we want, we have to learn from the past, both celebrate the good and heal from the bad. Only from there, can we focus on and pursue your passion and the lifestyle that you have always craved.

This is the Roadmap of Integral Coaching that will change your life:

  1. Visions Quests – This process takes you on a vision quest that truly awakens your inner passion, giving your life meaning and purpose.
  2. Divide and Conquer – After realizing your true vision and passion, we break these down into clear, measurable, timely, and practical deliverables and goals to start working toward and achieving your vision.
  3. Know Thyself – Understand how your current situation and past experiences are limiting your potential. You will learn how to knock down those barriers and limiting beliefs and start building up your confidence.
  4. Life Hacks Simple, but powerful tools to build up healthy habits to increase and sustain your motivation, focus, productivity, and efficiency. These healthy habits are also great for maintaining your mental health and keeping your depression at bay.
  5. Develop Winning Business Strategies (for anyone that wants to improve their job performance and/or business) – Even in times of uncertainty, you can still continue to thrive at work and/or in your business. These practical and proven business strategies can elevate your business and work to the next level.

The combination of my experience: a decade in the mental health field as a professional trainer/speaker including Mental Health First Aid instructor and Psychological First Aid, ten years of experience running nonprofit organizations and small businesses, nine years of personal therapy, and ten years as a practicing Buddhist Zen monk, you will start gaining and feeling these results within a month of the Integral Coaching:

  • Reclaim and feel the fire within you again
  • Increase your productivity by 30%
  • Feel motivated and focused
  • Find a sense of happiness and relief
  • Develop a newfound strength within yourself

For detailed coaching content, options, pricing, and to know if this is right for you, schedule your 30-minute complimentary consultation with JR Kuo.