by JR Kuo | Aug 3, 2019 | My Stories
Losses and Tributes by JR Kuo l Aug 03, 2019 l July has been a tough month the last couple of years. July this year is the 2nd anniversary of my mother’s passing. Last July, a dear friend of mine lost her brother. And this July, I lost one of the most important...
by JR Kuo | Jul 6, 2019 | Self-Improvement
Self-Care and Burnout Prevention Plan by JR Kuo l July 06, 2019 l In April 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed work-related stress or burnout as a syndrome. WHO defines “syndrome” as a group of symptoms which consistently occur together, and ties...
by JR Kuo | Jun 1, 2019 | Self-Improvement
Finding Inner Strength by JR Kuo l June 08, 2019 l According to U.S. News & World Report, 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Roughly 65% of Americans dream of opening a small business, but only 14% of Americans actually do it. Like many...
by JR Kuo | May 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
Celebrating Asian American Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month (Guest Blog) by Dr. DJ Ida l May 06, 2019 l May is both API Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month. The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association,...
by JR Kuo | May 4, 2019 | Travels and Adventures
Power of Water by JR Kuo l May 04, 2019 l I love drinking water. Down at Peru, one of the services that CONAPAC offer to the Amazon villages is Clean Water Program. Most children in the villages along the Amazon Rivers consumed water directly from rivers, streams,...
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