My Blog
What’s My Place – To Protest or Not
I support the people that are protesting and marching against systemic racism and police brutality. I have been asking myself and reflected on if I should go out and protest? What's my role in this whole thing? One thing I know for sure is that I should not let my ego...
White People Wake Up, We Are the Problem!
by PJ Damico To all my white friends who are sad, and don’t know what to do. After you march, sign petitions, plant yard signs and share your anger — Here are 11 tangible things you can do to disrupt the savage structural racism in our country (from easiest to most...
Implicit Bias and Mental Health
The effect of centuries-long of racism and discrimination has people believe that "they don't see color" and "racism doesn't exist anymore." What we have witnessed with George Floyd's death is the cycle of unexamined bias and prejudice that are controlling our...
Overcome the Shame of Feeling Good
Have you notice that it's so much easier to stay angry, mad, and down for hours and days. But, the moment you feel good, positive, happy, and content for a minute, you immediately think something is wrong or off. This is because our mind is bombarded with negative...
Asian American Demographic Data
This is the last week of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Here are the Asian American demographic data and facts that I’ve gathered over the years. Asians and Asian Americans consist of 6% of the US population, about 18 million Asian immigrants comprise 27% of...
Finding Inspiration
Since the pandemic, I've been struggling with my creativity and finding inspiration. In this short video, I shared the creative methods that I've used to spark my creativity. Enjoy! Also, I would love to hear from you and how you have been creative and inspired.
The One Year Anniversary of CoffeeWithJR Blog and Newsletter
“Taken together… the path to a life of meaning and significance isn’t to ‘live in the present’ as so many spiritual gurus have advised. It is to integrate our perspectives on time (past and future) into a coherent whole, one that helps us comprehend who we are and why...
Choice – Coping with COVID-19
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As part of the Mental Health America's Tool2Thrive campaign, I've created a short video for them called, "Choice." I shared about how I am owning my mental health and feeling to cope with the COVID-19 Enjoy! Also, I would love to...
The Virus and Mental Health
In collaboration with SASE (The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers), I’ve given my very first webinar on how to maintain your mental health, your well-being, and how to keep moving forward during this pandemic. Watch the whole webinar here. Everyone is...
Monthly CoffeeWithJR
Join over 3,000 subscribers and sign up for my free monthly email newsletter and blog, where I share my mental health journey as an immigrant, travel stories, and other exciting projects!