Why, Anxiety?

Why, Anxiety?   When I was working with my therapist, we were tackling my depression most of the time. After nine years of healing from depression, I’m feeling pretty good about balancing my life and managing my depression. For the longest time, I thought I...

Half Dome vs. Trolltunga

Trolltunga vs. Half Dome I had the privilege of hiking Trolltunga in Norway last week. With all of the fjords, Trolltunga is magnificent and breathtaking. It’s probably one of the most beautiful hikes I’ve ever done. The last great hike I did was Half Dome at Yosemite...

Virtual vs. In-Person

In October, for the first time since the pandemic, I have finally started giving in-person trainings. After staring at my screen for almost two years, my first reaction while giving my first in-person workshop was, “Who are all of these people and why are they here?”...

Watching Myself on a Big Screen

“Coffee Talking Mental Coffins” was screened at the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival last month at the Regal L.A. Live movie theater. This new cut of “Coffee Talking Mental Coffins” is over ten minutes long and I divulged more about the connections between my...

Spain Trip

I am writing this month’s newsletter from Valencia, Spain. Yes, Spain 😊. Spain marks the 10th country that I have visited. So far, I have spent five days in the Asturias country in Oviedo and Gijon up in the northwest. From Asturias, my friend and I traveled to Bilboa...